Bringing African businesses to the 1st China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo
The China Africa Advisory is offering an exclusive opportunity for African businesses to utilise the 1st China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo to tap China’s vast consumer market. Established under the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) as a new permanent arrangement, the Expo will be held on a biennial basis starting in June 2019. Together with our partners in China, we have designed a first-of-its-kind service package (Beijing & Changsha from 23 to 30 June) for leading African companies interested in establishing their brand in the Chinese market. Our package includes:
- Pre-Expo briefings (business set-up & operation, marketing & branding, e-commerce, intellectual property, logistics and more)
- B2B meetings with potential buyers, strategic partners, investors & financial institutions
- Innovative personalised exhibit stand and translation/interpretation services for the full Expo duration (27 to 29 June)
- National and international media interviews
- Travel, accommodation and logistical arrangements within China
Contact us by 22 March 2019 at to secure your space.